GCSD Transportation Department

14214 HWY 26 W

Lucedale, MS  39452


Clint James

Transportation Coordinator



Nicole Dearman

Assistant Transportation Coordinator


  • 1. Contact Us - Our Staff



    Transportation Coordinator

    Clint James

    Assistant Transportation Coordinator

    Nicole Dearman

    Transportation Secretary

    Hillary Malone

  • 2. Bus Rules

  • 3. Bus Discipline Ladder

    As per Policy JCDAD - 

    DISCIPLINE:  It shall be the responsibility of all principals to abide by the following procedure for enforcing the bus conduct policy: 


                       a. Step 1-  Warning, principal/student conference, parent/guardian notification

                       b. Step 2-  Maximum 5 days off bus

                       c. Step 3-  Maximum 10 days off bus 

                       d. Step 4-  Maximum 45 days off bus 

                       e. Step 5-  Expulsion from the bus one calendar year

    Secondary Schools- GCMS and GCHS will have a step ladder of violations to determine the discipline steps listed. This ladder will be posted in each school's handbook. 

    Elementary Schools-  All elementary schools will have the same disciplinary consequences based  
    on violations of bus conduct. The violations and consequences will be posted in each school's handbook. 


    All Step 5 bus conduct on the discipline ladder may result in alternative school placement. 

    All appeals for bus suspension must be made to a school administrator within 10 days. 

  • 4. How To Become a Bus Driver

    The application can be submitted online here.

    Paper/Pencil applications are available at the George County District Office - 494 Cowart Street

    Bus Driver Requirements

    Bus Driver Pay Scale

  • 5. FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

    Q.  Can I call the school to make transportation changes for my student?

    A.  No.  All transportation changes must be submitted in writing to the school on the day of the change.  The request must be signed and dated by the parent.  The school may reach out to the parent to verify the change so the request should include a current phone number.

    Q.  If our family moves, how can we find out what bus my student will ride?

    A.  You may either call the school office where your student attends, or you may call the GCSD Transportation office at 601-947-3741.

    Q.  Can a parent obtain a bus driver’s phone number to talk with the driver?

    A.  Bus drivers’ personal information is not given to anyone, but the driver can be instructed to either call the parent, a specific message can be given to the driver or a parent/driver meeting can be arranged with the Transportation Coordinator.

    Q.  Can a parent view the videotape that is recorded daily on the bus?  

    A.  Because of privacy laws that pertain to a parent viewing students other than their own, it is the policy of the Geroge County School District to allow only a school transportation supervisor, a school administrator, or a school police officer to view school bus videos.

Bus Turnaround Request Form - Form should be completed in full and submitted to Transportation Department.

Attendance Zone Map

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