The vision of George County School District Special Education Department is for our students to become independent and successful, productive members of society who can advocate for themselves and recognize their own positive self-worth.

Welcome to the Office of Special Education! The purpose of the Office of Special Education is to provide effective educational programs to students with disabilities, ages 3-21, who are in need of special education services so that they may receive free, appropriate, public education as provided for in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and state law.

In addition to special education services, this office also provides positive behavior support utilizing positive behavior specialists and health care utilizing school nurses.

If you have any questions regarding any of these services please do not hesitate to contact our office at 601-947-6993.


This document is designed as a guide to help our students with disabilities to successfully transition after high school. Whether your child wishes to continue their education at college, receive on the job site training or you are looking for information for post-secondary care for your child.
This document is a guide of local community resources available to parents of students with disabilities.
  IDEA Part B and Pre-School Application
  Grant Numbers H027A150108 and H173A150113

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