We Believe That:
- Education/Learning is an essential element in the development of an individual.
- Each individual deserves the opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential.
- All individuals have intrinsic* value and are worthy of respect.
- Challenge is necessary for individual growth.
- A physically safe and emotionally secure environment is important to success.
- Each individual has a responsibility to make the most of his or her opportunities.
- The choices an individual makes affect his/her life as well as our community.
- Morals and values are critical to the development of society.
- The family influences the moral, ethical and educational development and success of an individual and community.
- Each individual has the obligation to serve others for the betterment of the community.
- Building and maintaining meaningful relationships in families and communities foster success.
- Cooperation among elected officials and community leaders is essential to a successful and progressive community.
- The community share responsibility for shaping the future of our children.
- Change is inevitable; the manner in which we manage change will determine our success.
*Belonging to the essential nature of constitution of a thing.