
We Believe That:
  • Education/Learning is an essential element in the development of an individual.
  • Each individual deserves the opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential.
  • All individuals have intrinsic* value and are worthy of respect.
  • Challenge is necessary for individual growth.
  • A physically safe and emotionally secure environment is important to success.
  • Each individual has a responsibility to make the most of his or her opportunities.
  • The choices an individual makes affect his/her life as well as our community.
  • Morals and values are critical to the development of society.
  • The family influences the moral, ethical and educational development and success of an individual and community.
  • Each individual has the obligation to serve others for the betterment of the community.
  • Building and maintaining meaningful relationships in families and communities foster success.
  • Cooperation among elected officials and community leaders is essential to a successful and progressive community.
  • The community share responsibility for shaping the future of our children.
  • Change is inevitable; the manner in which we manage change will determine our success.
*Belonging to the essential nature of constitution of a thing.
Strategic Objectives 
  • Every student will demonstrate proficiency in core curricular areas with emphasis on reading, writing, and mathematics skills.
  • Every student will successfully complete his or her education program.
  • Every student will develop character traits consistent with those of a responsible citizen.
  • Every student will be successful in his or her next educational or career endeavor.
  • We will treat all people with dignity and respect.
  • We will assure all decisions and actions are congruent with our mission.
  • We will never allow the quality of our educational programs to me compromised.
  • We will hold high expectations for all.
  • We will base all decisions strictly on what is best for the individual student.
  • We will develop and implement a seamless instructional program that is meaningful, challenging and enjoyable.
  • We will ensure community involvement and parental support in providing a comprehensive learning experience.
  • We will ensure quality staff in every classroom and in every school.
  • We will pursue every avenue to increase funding for our school district.
  • We will guarantee an atmosphere of unity characterized by open and interactive communication.
  • We will ensure teachers and staff meet the needs of the individual development in our curriculum.
  • We will integrate character development in our curriculum.
  • We will ensure safe and secure school environment.
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