Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in our community, the George County School District would like to remind parents that we will continue to follow our 2021-2022 COVID-19 safety plan and procedures. We will also continue to encourage social distancing in all areas of our school buildings and facilities, attempt to limit visitor access to our schools as much as possible during normal hours, and routinely clean and disinfect our facilities and buses. As always, we appreciate your continued support and cooperation as we navigate through this pandemic.
GCSD Mastery of Content 2020-2021 Plan
Carnegie units are awarded at GCMS for approved 7th and 8th grade classes and all classes at GCHS. Students are given two options: traditional school or distance learning. This plan outlines how the master of content will be measured for each awarded Carnegie unit.
494 Cowart Street, Lucedale, MS 39452
Phone: 601-947-6993
Notice of Non-discrimination
George County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic origin, disability, or sex.
GCSD Title IX Coordinator: District Athletic Director/Director of Operations