GCSD Business Office

The George County School Business Office has the following responsibilities:


  • To have in place a system of internal controls that provide safety over the funds that flow into the school district
  • To have in place a system of internal controls that protects the assets purchased by the district and protects the integrity of the accounting records that show how funds are received and spent
  • To have in place a uniform system of accounts that is maintained in keeping the financial records of the school district


Employee Active Resource Link provides access to direct deposit information, time sheets, and check stubs.  If employees need to make any demographic changes, please do so on Active Resources.

Email ashton.estis@gcsd.us to verify your income for a loan, or other financial matter.

Email phyllis.mcdonald@gcsd.us to verify your job position and the number of years worked in GCSD.  
Retirement, Life & Health Insurance Links
Campus Benefits - Life, Health & Dental

Business Office Staff
Natasha Henderson
Chief Financial Officer
Liz McLendon
Business Coordinator
Casi Tritle
Accounts Payable
Karen Mikkelson
Purchasing Clerk /Fixed Assets
Ashton Estis
Benefits Specialist
Kimberly Collins
Payroll Specialist
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